I am just one of many lucky graduates who have been granted a revolving door to our parents’ houses. And I intend to use it. Moving home may not seem like the real world, but it’s a step in the right direction.
Living in real-life limbo these past few months has had its impact on me. I find that my phone conversations with my parents revolve around finances: “wait mom, do I have to pay my own car insurance? Aren’t you still paying my cell phone bill? Please?”
My schedule is lax at best. I am staring at a summer internship that begins at 8:30 a.m. sharp every morning, yet I usually sleep in until 10 a.m. Trust me, in a few more weeks I will start setting my alarm to get into the early-bird routine. And I won’t stay up ALL night, just most of it.
Perhaps the most profound impact living in limbo has had on me is it has taught me to network. Like so many other grads, I was determined to have a job lined up for after graduation. In a fury, I scheduled informational interviews, wrote dreaded cover letters, put together a portfolio and printed mass quantities of resumes.
Fortunately, my hard work yielded results. I met talented professionals, got a feel for the PR market in Portland and I can confidently go into the “real” world with a 9 to 5 at a respected company. So yes, my mom may still be cooking me dinner, but it’s the baby steps that count, right? - Marisa
Marisa Olson has been our PR intern at Verve since March and we've loved having her around. She's done some stellar work, including coordinating reviews of a new product with regional home and garden publications and contributing to a monthly enewsletter. We will miss her, but know she's off to do great work with Waggener Edstrom in Portland, Ore. - Kelli
1 comment:
Marisa - Welcome to Waggener Edstrom! I started into the "9 to 5" world in much the same way you will - living in the comfort of mom & dad's home, while interning at WE. I hope it's a great experience for you (it will be!) and I look forward to meeting & treating you to coffee soon. ~Erica
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